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👉 Students cleared 64th BPSC Examination Final selection

👉 Final Result 2022 👉 10 students from Jamia Hamdard RCA crack UPSC CSE 2020

Interview UPSC Civil Services 2021

Chairman of the board: TCA Anant Sir, former Chief Statistician of India

Date of interview: 5th May 2022
Optional: psychology
Profession: -
Hobbies: playing basketball, following football, cooking, and console gaming

1. What was your research paper about?
2. What steps did you mention in your research paper Earthquakes?
3. What is the status of Delhi in Earthquakes?
4. Which all departments are involved in Earthquake structural designing?
5. What is happening in East Delhi with respect to Earthquake awareness and all?
6. If you are a DM of a district, what measures will you take for earthquake awareness and mitigation?

Member 1
1. Important factors that I should consider while constructing a home?
2. Why only these factors and not others?
3. How will you ensure that these factors are taken care of?
4. Lessons you learned from the Russia-Ukraine war?
5. President Biden said that war is upon us, do you think it was predictable or not?
6. How is Ukraine's army defeating the Russian army, which is much more equipped and trained than the Ukrainian army?

Member 2
1. Most commercialized league in basketball in the world?
2. Current champions of NBA.
3. What is console gaming?
4. Like Playstation and Xbox? Which one do you like and why?
5. Status of the gaming industry in India (I tried to lead them towards the smartphone gaming domain but they switched the questions)
6. What is AFSPA?
7. What happened in NE India state with respect to AFSPA?
8. What government is doing with regard to AFSPA?

Member 3
1. What is HDI?
2. 3 essential aspects you will cover to improve India's ranking in HDI using technology? (I started with education)
3. All the measures you have provided with respect to education involve digital connectivity and awareness. How will you ensure this?
(After answering, I suggested ma'am that some psychological factors must also be looked into for improving education)
4. What are all psychological interventions, you will make?
5. Do you think all such measures are demand-based, what are supply-based factors you will look into?
6. How is the New education policy 2020 different from earlier education policies?

Member 4
1. What are the similarities between cooking and making a concrete mix?
2. Which according to you, is the most important factor in concrete designing?
3. Do you know what CBSE is doing in the existing syllabus?
4. Can you pinpoint which topics or sections are removed and which new sections are added?
5. Do you think it is good or bad?
6. What is the difference between Classical and folk music?

The board Chairman and members were quite cordial and especially one lady member, who showed immense interest in having a genuine conversation. Questions were based on my DAF as well as current affairs. Everything in the board room was made to make you comfortable.
Members speak very politely and are ready to listen to whatever I have to say. I did try to lead them in several directions of my strength but I was successful only partially.
It was a fun experience and not at all as grilling as mocks. But mocks are important because of the crucial insight they provide you, both about yourself and the board members.

Interview board 
BB Vyas

Interview date: 08/04/2022
Optional PSIR
Education : Post Graduate
Home State: Uttar Pradesh
Hobbies : Cricket Singing, Badminton

Chairman : 
What we're doing since your Masters?
1. As your background is PSIR, tell me something about India-Africa Relations. 
2. What India is doing there?
3. In your district Child labour is a menace, how far we have controlled it?
4. As DM of your district what would you do to control it? 
5. What is Money laundering? Is there any Act? 
6. How are India and UAE relations? Something has happened in recent past, what is it?
7.What is Meritime domain awareness and how India is doing well? 
8. Difference between Extradition and deportation? Do we need a treaty or agreement? 

Member 2
1. What are NGO's? What do they do exactly? 
2. Are all of them involved in socioeconomic transformation as you suggest?
3. What is Netra ? (Totally factual and he did not know about the anti collision device by the Indian Railways)
4. Difference between Pasmanda muslism and sect (Dnt remember)
5.Linguistics states leading to Subnationalism or unity? Uttar Pradesh also has demands for linguistic State ( I refused, he didn't seem to be satisfied at all with my answers)

Member 3
1. Tell me something about India and Brazil relations
Dnt remember his questions

Member 4
1. Restaurants business how govt can help evolve it to the fullest? 
2. How COVID has changed the world for positives?
3. Is there a divide in terms of education impartment to poor and rich students?
Member 5

1. Tell me something about Ajmer and it's cultures
2. Tell me something about National education policy and its provisions for poor students. 
3. Fav Ghazal singer (DAF related )
4. Dnt remember the question. 


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